The category this month was Wedding Day Portraits. There were a lot of wonderful images submitted but only one will grabbed a WPS Award Badge this month. Chad Winstead gave the judges a warm sunset image to love. Congrats Chad! CHADE WINSTEAD 4* Chad is taking a solid point lead over the field for the POY Prize. The race for the hardware is heating up! Remember, the point system is simple. An image will receive 25 points per star, whichRead more
Posts tagged: #WPS Award Badge
July Contest Winner | Details
It was all about the Details for this contest and we have a winner. Chad Winstead moved the judges to give him a WPS Award Badge. Congrats! CHAD WINSTEAD 4* Chad has taken a slight 50 point lead over Dave for the POY Prize. The race for the hardware is heating up! Remember, the point system is simple. An image will receive 25 points per star, which represents a judge’s selection. Each month four judges will comb over all theRead more
June Contest Winners | Emotion
Emotion was the category this month and you guys definitely delivered. There were three of images that stood out of the crowd for the judges. Chad Winstead and Rebecca Faulk’s images moved the judges enough to give them a WPS Award Badge. Congrats! CHAD WINSTEAD 4* CHAD WINSTEAD 3* REBECCA FAULK 3* Dave still has a lead for the POY Prize but Chad is catching ground quickly and only 25 points away. The hardware is still up for grabs. Remember,Read more
May Contest Winners | Lifestyle Photography
Lifestyle photography proved challenging to our members for the month of May. The image a laughing baby being tickled by dad was the judges favorite. Congratulations to Brittany Blake for earning a WPS Award Badge. Brittany Blake – 3* Dave still has a commanding lead for the POY Prize but Brittany jumped to 5th in this round. The hardware is still up for the taking. Remember, the point system is simple. An image will receive 25 points per star, whichRead more
April Contest Winners | Off Camera Strobe
Getting the strobe off the camera was the challenge for April and you guys delivered. Three images grabbed the attention of the judges with two images attaining a four-star status. Congratulations to Dave Shay, Chad Winstead and Andre Reichmann for earning a WPS Award Badge. DAVE SHAY – 4* CHAD WINSTEAD 4* ANDRE REICHMANN 3* The race for the hardware is still up for grabs but Dave is starting to take a lead. Remember, the point system is simple. AnRead more