September 2018 WPS Contest Results

Chad Winstead is pulling away and getting closer to locking down the prize. Lots of great images but only one WPS Badge winner this month. Congrats! HOW POINTS ARE ACCRUED / EARNED An image will receive 25 points per star, which represents a judge’s selection. Each month four judges will comb over all the photos and provide a star to each image they deem worthy. An image will receive an award badge if it gains three or more stars. Information aboutRead more

August 2018 WPS Contest Results

Chad Winstead and Erin Costa are our WPS Badge winners for the month. Some great wedding photography coming from the beaches of North Carolina! Also, the race for The WPS POY is heating up!   HOW POINTS ARE ACCRUED / EARNED An image will receive 25 points per star, which represents a judge’s selection. Each month four judges will comb over all the photos and provide a star to each image they deem worthy. An image will receive an awardRead more

July 2018 WPS Contest Results

I am always amazed by the wonderful work this group produces! The race for the prize is heating up and we have a close race. The WPS Award Badge winners this month are Chad Winstead and Paul Seiler.     HOW POINTS ARE ACCRUED / EARNED An image will receive 25 points per star, which represents a judge’s selection. Each month four judges will comb over all the photos and provide a star to each image they deem worthy. An image will receive anRead more

May 2018 WPS Contest Results

There were a lot of great images submitted but only one attained a WPS Award Badge this month. Congrats to Paul Seiler for capturing such a beautiful image! PAUL SEILER 4* HOW POINTS ARE ACCRUED / EARNED An image will receive 25 points per star, which represents a judge’s selection. Each month four judges will comb over all the photos and provide a star to each image they deem worthy. An image will receive an award badge if it gains three orRead more

February Contest Winners | After Dark

In the “After Dark” category we only had one badge winner this time around. Congratulations Dave Shay for making magic. The contest is heating up but it’s early in the race and The WPS Trophy is still up for grabs! DAVE SHAY*** HOW POINTS ARE ACCRUED / EARNED An image will receive 25 points per star, which represents a judge’s selection. Each month four judges will comb over all the photos and provide a star to each image they deemRead more

June Contest Winners | Emotion

Emotion was the category this month and you guys definitely delivered. There were three of images that stood out of the crowd for the judges. Chad Winstead and Rebecca Faulk’s images moved the judges enough to give them a WPS Award Badge. Congrats! CHAD WINSTEAD 4* CHAD WINSTEAD 3* REBECCA FAULK 3* Dave still has a lead for the POY Prize but Chad is catching ground quickly and only 25 points away. The hardware is still up for grabs. Remember,Read more