In the “After Dark” category we only had one badge winner this time around. Congratulations Dave Shay for making magic. The contest is heating up but it’s early in the race and The WPS Trophy is still up for grabs! DAVE SHAY*** HOW POINTS ARE ACCRUED / EARNED An image will receive 25 points per star, which represents a judge’s selection. Each month four judges will comb over all the photos and provide a star to each image they deemRead more
Posts tagged: #Dave Shay
November Contest Winners | Weather
It’s getting hot in here with the contest! There were some great images submitted and we have a couple of WPS Award Badge winners this month. Congratulations to Dave Shay and Chad Winstead! DAVE SHAY – 4* CHAD WINSTEAD 3* HOW POINTS ARE ACCRUED / EARNED An image will receive 25 points per star, which represents a judge’s selection. Each month four judges will comb over all the photos and provide a star to each image they deem worthy. AnRead more
July Contest Winner | Details
It was all about the Details for this contest and we have a winner. Chad Winstead moved the judges to give him a WPS Award Badge. Congrats! CHAD WINSTEAD 4* Chad has taken a slight 50 point lead over Dave for the POY Prize. The race for the hardware is heating up! Remember, the point system is simple. An image will receive 25 points per star, which represents a judge’s selection. Each month four judges will comb over all theRead more
June Contest Winners | Emotion
Emotion was the category this month and you guys definitely delivered. There were three of images that stood out of the crowd for the judges. Chad Winstead and Rebecca Faulk’s images moved the judges enough to give them a WPS Award Badge. Congrats! CHAD WINSTEAD 4* CHAD WINSTEAD 3* REBECCA FAULK 3* Dave still has a lead for the POY Prize but Chad is catching ground quickly and only 25 points away. The hardware is still up for grabs. Remember,Read more
April Contest Winners | Off Camera Strobe
Getting the strobe off the camera was the challenge for April and you guys delivered. Three images grabbed the attention of the judges with two images attaining a four-star status. Congratulations to Dave Shay, Chad Winstead and Andre Reichmann for earning a WPS Award Badge. DAVE SHAY – 4* CHAD WINSTEAD 4* ANDRE REICHMANN 3* The race for the hardware is still up for grabs but Dave is starting to take a lead. Remember, the point system is simple. AnRead more
March Contest Winners | Framing the Subject
Each month the contest keeps getting stronger. “Framing the Subject” was the category this time around. The judges looked over them all and four images grabbed their attention. Congratulations to Dave Shay, Chad Winstead and Andre Reichmann. CHAD WINSTEAD 3* DAVE SHAY – 3* DAVE SHAY – 4* Note: Dave’s four-star image can be found on the closed WPS FB site. The bride requested the portrait image stay private so the dress remains a surprise for her future husband. WPSRead more
Spotlight | Dave Shay
A phenomenal image was recently created by Dave Shay and we just had to get the scoop. The image is selected out The Wedding & Portrait Society’s monthly image competition. Each month the Spotlight image will help up us all learn and grow by breaking it down and finding out how it was created. Thank you for your participation Dave, sharing your thoughts and being in the Spotlight. WPS: First of all, tell us the story behind the image. Like,Read more