Portrait Palooza Rockin’ at The Carolina Inn

Portrait Palooza is one of the premiere WPS events each year and this year it’s on Tuesday, March 28th.

Our chapter leaders coordinate with local vendors to arrange for dresses, flowers and an awesome venue to shoot at The Carolina Inn!

It’s a timed competition where each photographer has 10 minutes to produce an editorial/commercial quality image using our professional models, dresses, bouquets and a really awesome location.

This year The Carolina Inn has graciously invited us to shoot at their venue. On the day of the shoot, each registered photographer has their time slot to create two (2) commercial-quality portraits. You can shoot for the competition or you can shoot for yourself. The competition is designed to place the photographer in a pressure situation in order to learn how to maximize time and problem solve.

After the shoot, each registered attendee will submit two images within 48 hours.  The images will be judged by the venue and the winner will receive an awesome prize of $100.

Fee: $25 for members (Fee goes toward feeding the participating vendors, models and location.)

Arrival Time: 6pm – TELL YOUR FRIENDS!!!

Members please register buy clicking on the “Pay Now,” button. Seats are limited.

Non Members: Please go to the Membership section of the site to officially become a member. If you join WPS and participate in Portrait Palooza we will refund you $10 making your first year of membership only $10.

Photography by Christopher Nieto