Portrait Palooza 2017 Winner

The staff at the Carolina Inn has deemed a winner for Portrait Palooza 2017. The WPS would like to congratulate Maria Sollecito for her beautiful window light portrait. A $100 check is coming your way! There were so many great images to select from and the judges had a hard time narrowing down a winner. A special thank you to The Carolina Inn staff for judging and hosting Portrait Palloza this year. They also have named a tie for secondRead more

January Contest Winners | Wild Card

It was a wild contest in 2016 and this year is looking great! There were a lot of great images submitted but only on attained a WPS Award Badge this month. Congratulations Chad Winstead for capturing a wonderful moment! CHAD WINSTEAD 4* HOW POINTS ARE ACCRUED / EARNED An image will receive 25 points per star, which represents a judge’s selection. Each month four judges will comb over all the photos and provide a star to each image they deem worthy.Read more

Portrait Palooza Rockin’ at The Carolina Inn

Portrait Palooza is one of the premiere WPS events each year and this year it’s on Tuesday, March 28th. Our chapter leaders coordinate with local vendors to arrange for dresses, flowers and an awesome venue to shoot at The Carolina Inn! It’s a timed competition where each photographer has 10 minutes to produce an editorial/commercial quality image using our professional models, dresses, bouquets and a really awesome location. This year The Carolina Inn has graciously invited us to shoot atRead more

Wedding & Portrait Society’s Photographer of the Year is Chad Winstead!

Congratulations to Chad Winstead for winning the 2016 WPS POY trophy. Chad is a wedding photographer based out of Greenville, North Carolina. His images consistently caught the eyes of the judges and members of The WPS. Below are some images that have won WPS badges over year coupled with a little Q&A. What is your style of photography? I don’t really know where to begin. I don’t really know how to classify my style but I guess you can sayRead more

November Contest Winners | Weather

It’s getting hot in here with the contest! There were some great images submitted and we have a couple of WPS Award Badge winners this month. Congratulations to Dave Shay and Chad Winstead! DAVE SHAY – 4* CHAD WINSTEAD 3* HOW POINTS ARE ACCRUED / EARNED An image will receive 25 points per star, which represents a judge’s selection. Each month four judges will comb over all the photos and provide a star to each image they deem worthy. AnRead more

September Contest Winners | Exits

The category this month was the art of the Exit. There were some great images submitted and we have a couple of WPS Award Badge winners this month. Congrats to Brian Mullins and Chad Winstead! CHAD WINSTEAD 4* BRIAN MULLINS 4* Chad is taking a commanding lead over the field for the POY Prize. Remember, the point system is simple. An image will receive 25 points per star, which represents a judge’s selection. Each month four judges will comb overRead more

Raleigh WPS October Meeting | Brides & Booths

The wonderful folks over at Forever Bridal want members of the WPS to book brides! Dominick DiGirolamo is going to speak to us about all the ins and outs of bridal show booths. Dom knows a couple of things about booths, he has been designing, planning, and organizing wedding shows in the Triangle area for over 20 years! He is also going to bring a bride or two to give you their perspective on which booths grabbed their attention. RSVP HERE TO GETRead more

August Contest Winner | Wedding Day Portraits

The category this month was Wedding Day Portraits. There were a lot of wonderful images submitted but only one will grabbed a WPS Award Badge this month. Chad Winstead gave the judges a warm sunset image to love. Congrats Chad! CHADE WINSTEAD 4* Chad is taking a solid point lead over the field for the POY Prize. The race for the hardware is heating up! Remember, the point system is simple. An image will receive 25 points per star, whichRead more

July Contest Winner | Details

It was all about the Details for this contest and we have a winner. Chad Winstead moved the judges to give him a WPS Award Badge. Congrats! CHAD WINSTEAD 4* Chad has taken a slight 50 point lead over Dave for the POY Prize. The race for the hardware is heating up! Remember, the point system is simple. An image will receive 25 points per star, which represents a judge’s selection. Each month four judges will comb over all theRead more

June Contest Winners | Emotion

Emotion was the category this month and you guys definitely delivered. There were three of images that stood out of the crowd for the judges. Chad Winstead and Rebecca Faulk’s images moved the judges enough to give them a WPS Award Badge. Congrats! CHAD WINSTEAD 4* CHAD WINSTEAD 3* REBECCA FAULK 3* Dave still has a lead for the POY Prize but Chad is catching ground quickly and only 25 points away. The hardware is still up for grabs. Remember,Read more